On this project I worked with a freelance cameraman on the Live Filming and Editing of Awards Ceremony for my client before editing together a “best bits” highlights video. We filmed and live streamed the keynote speech, the awards ceremony and even found some time at the end to capture a few vox pops interviews. The client was delighted with the quick turnaround on the edit and I look forward to working with them on the Event Filming and Live Streaming of next year’s event.
On this project I handled the Event Filming and Streaming of a product launch for the BSI group. This project required some of my additional technical kit including extra HD cameras, a portable autocue system and a Mackie Audio Mixer. On the run up to the event I also organised the for additional freelance technicians and camera operators to work with me on the day to successfully complete the event. You can see a section of the Product Launch video by watching the video on this page.
I work on an annual project that involves the secure Live Streaming of a CEO’s annual message to employees around the world. The privacy of the event is really important due to the financial information contained within it and as a result, I’ve created a password protected live streaming site that controls who has access to it. This solution has saved my client over £25,000 per year in travel expenses alone as far fewer people have to physically travel to the venue to view the presentation live. You can see what I get up to during a 2 hour presentation in just 30 seconds by watching the video on the left.