Live stream your events without any hassle or worry

I know live streaming your next event might sound a bit daunting, but the results really are definitely worth it.

When we work together, you get all the benefits of live streaming your events and conferences to a global audience without having to worry about any of the techy details.

0 +
Completed Live Streams
0 +
Online Viewers
Countries Worked In
Childhood Heros Met

I will l help you create great stress free live streams by:

  • Handling the encoders, bitrates, internet connections and other technical bits so you don’t have to.
  • Making sure they can viewed by people on their smart phones, tablets and computers even if their internet connection isn’t the best.
  • Explaining the different options so we can select the best overall package that suits you needs and budget.
  • Working to pre-set rates which are available on this site so there will be no nasty surprises when the final invoice arrives.
  • Using broadcast quality cameras and vision mixing equipment to give the whole production a professional TV look.
  • Enabling remote guests from around the world to appear in your broadcast via Skype just like they do on TV.

Live Streaming packages

Package 1

Stream your video feed
£ 825 Per Day
  • 1 x NewTek TC1 vision mixer & operator
  • Ability to add extra content to your feed such as name and titles & calls to action for the online audience
  • Option to live stream the event to two online destinations of your choice
  • Use of venue or in-house internet connection with no back up option
  • One HD version of the full event recording given to you once it has finished

Package 2

Secure private live streaming
£ 1430 Per Day
  • 1 x NewTek TC1 vision mixer & operator
  • Ability to add extra content to your feed such as name and titles & calls to action for the online audience
  • Option to live stream the event to two online destinations of your choice
  • Use of venue internet + backup internet connection via 4G wireless device
  • Streamed to a private video player
  • Stream embedded on your web page
  • Stream available to view on demand
  • Detailed viewer analytics available
  • One HD version of the full event recording given to you once it has finished

Package 3

Stream to interactive microsite
£ 3000 Per Day
  • 1 x NewTek TC1 vision mixer & operator
  • Ability to add extra content to your feed such as name and titles & calls to action for the online audience
  • Option to live stream the event to two online destinations of your choice
  • Use of venue internet + backup internet connection via 4G wireless device
  • Password protected video player
  • Stream embedded on branded microsite
  • Microsite with separate custom URL
  • Ask a question feature for online viewers
  • Chatroom feature for online viewers
  • Interactive poll for online viewers
  • Download links for online viewers
  • Stream available to view on demand
  • Detailed viewer analytics available
  • One HD version of the full event recording given to you once it has finished

Want someone to do everything and film and stream your next event?